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Key to Course Descriptions

Following is a sample course description with the individual elements explained in the order in which they appear. If an element does not appear in a course description, that means it does not exist for the course.

This sample is for illustration purposes only, as it is impossible for one course to have ALL of these elements.

Field description


Course Number:

Also labeled as the course's Code. The course number indicates the level of course; for example, 100-199 are primarily introductory and beginning courses. See the Course Numbering System for more information.

Full Course Title:

In this example, the full course title is First-Year Composition.

ENGL101. First-Year Composition. English. Undergraduate. UA-UA General.

Course Description:

Brief text explaining the content and topics that will be covered in the course.

Course Description listed as Exploration of the structures, contexts and practice of music in Indian and select cultures of the near East and Asia, including Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Indonesian approaches. Open to all undergraduate University students, regardless of major.


This indicates the minimum and maximum number of units students can earn upon completing a course. Courses listed with a range of units in the catalog may be offered for a specific number of units within that range each term. Please see the current Schedule of Classes for up-to-date information.

Min Units listed as 1. Max Units listed as 4.

Repeatable for Credit, Completions and Units Allowed:

The course may be repeated for additional credit. The maximum units and total completions include the first attempt of the course. In this example, the course may be repeated once after the initial completion of the course, for a total of 6 units maximum.

Repeatable for Credit listed as Yes. Total Completions Allowed listed as 2. Total Units Allowed listed as 6.

Grading Basis:

The grades used for the course; most courses offer Regular Grading (A, B, C, D, and E). For more information on alternative grading bases, see Grades & the Grading System.

Grading Basis listed as GRD - Regular Grades A, B, C, D, E


Describes the course's program applicability; includes undergraduate, graduate, law, medicine, pharmacy, and veterinary medicine.

Career listed as Undergraduate

Cross Listed Courses:

Other subject prefixes that this course appears under. In this example, the course LAS323 is cross listed with ARH323.

Cross listed courses listed as a link to ARH323 course

Course Attributes:

Categories associated with the course which the student may receive credit for. In this example, the course satisfies a General Education Writing requirement, World Cultures and Societies requirement, and an Exploring Perspectives: Artist requirement.

Course Attributes listed as CE - CL (Cross Listed), GEAT - WRIT (Gen Ed Attr: Writing), GEAT - WRLD (Gen Ed Attr: Wrld Cult/Society), and GEED - EPART (Gen Ed: EP Artist).

Enrollment Requirements:

Prerequisites which are automatically enforced at the time of enrollment. In this example, a student who wishes to enroll in the course must be studying Art History, Studio Art, or Art Education as a major, AND have received credit for ART 344 (Digital Photography).

Enrollment requirements listed as Major: ARH, STDO, or ARED. ART 344.

Course Fee:

Students must pay additional fees beyond the standard tuition and fees to take this course. For an overview of course fees and their purposes, see Current Course Fees.

course fee listed as 50


The type of course, such as lecture, discussion, laboratory, etc. The workload associated with course units is divided between each required component for the course. In this example, the Lecture is always required while the Discussion is optional. Components marked as optional in the catalog may be required for specific sections in specific semesters. Please see the current Schedule of Classes for up-to-date information.

Discussion component listed as optional component yes and workload hours 0. Lecture component listed as optional component no and workload hours 3.

Typically Offered:

When the department typically offers the course on a particular campus. Please see the current Schedule of Classes for up-to-date information on term specific course offerings.

Typically Offered Main Campus listed as fall, summer. Typically Offered UA Online Campus listed as fall, spring, summer.