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Undergraduate Academic Eligibility

Academic eligibility is the ability to enroll in courses at the University of Arizona; it is automatically calculated at the end of each fall and spring semester.  The policy is designed to help undergraduates stay on track for degree completion at the University of Arizona. 

There are five (5) academic statuses related to a student’s eligibility to enroll in courses.

  1. Eligible

    • All new undergraduate students begin with a status of Eligible (i.e., good academic standing);

    • Students must earn and maintain a 2.00 or higher cumulative GPA to continue in Eligible status;

    • Students with a status of Eligible may enroll in courses.

  2. Academic Review

    • Review status occurs when a student earns a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or above (i.e., good academic standing), but has a semester GPA of less than a 2.00.

    • Students with a status of Academic Review will be contacted by their college or school to determine if they need assistance to improve their GPA.

  3. Academic Warning

    • Warning status occurs when an undergraduate who was previously Eligible does not earn a 2.00 or higher cumulative GPA;

    • Students with a status of Academic Warning may enroll in courses; however, they will be contacted by their college or school and required to complete an intervention;

    • Students who begin a semester/term with a status of Academic Warning and earn a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or above at the end of the semester/term will return to Eligible status.

  4. Academic Probation

    • Probation status occurs when a student who begins a semester/term on Academic Warning does not earn a 2.00 or higher cumulative GPA at the end of the semester/term;

    • Students with a status of Academic Probation may enroll in courses; however, they will be required to participate in an intervention developed in partnership with each college or school and the University’s Student Success & Retention Innovation program;

    • Students who begin a semester/term with a status of Academic Probation and earn a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or above at the end of the semester/term will return to Eligible status.

  5. Ineligible

    • Ineligible status occurs when an undergraduate student who begins a semester/term on Academic Probation does not earn a 2.00 or higher cumulative GPA at the end of the semester/term;

    • Students with a status of Ineligible may not enroll in courses; however, they may submit an appeal (usually for extenuating circumstances) requesting an additional semester/term of Academic Probation status;

    • If an appeal is granted, a student may enroll in courses but must complete requirements stipulated in the appeal decision, such as taking fewer units, using specific campus resources, and/or creating an academic action plan.

These five academic statuses determine eligibility to enroll in courses at the University; however, they do not determine eligibility to enroll in specific programs, schools, or colleges. Students who are not in Eligible status who earn grades in winter or summer term or have revisions to their academic record that updates their cumulative GPA to 2.00 or higher will return to Eligible status.

Standards for specific programs, schools, and colleges are determined by each program, school, or college. After the second enrolled term, programs, schools, and colleges may require a program change (RPC), if sufficient academic progress has not been made in the current major.  Students with a Major Change will work with their school or college to determine a new academic program within their college. Students with a Required Program Change will be directed to the A Center where academic advisors help students select courses, consider alternative degree programs (majors), or discuss the appeal process.

An undergraduate student’s eligibility to enroll in courses does not ensure satisfactory academic progress for financial aid purposes. Students who receive financial aid should consult directly with the Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid.

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