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Time Limits on Graduate Course Work

Master's and Specialist's Degrees

All requirements for the master's degree and specialist's degree must be completed within 6 years. Time-to-degree begins with the earliest course to be applied toward the degree, including credits transferred from other institutions. Work more than 6 years old is not accepted toward degree requirements.

Doctoral Degrees

All requirements for all doctoral degrees (e.g., Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Musical Arts, etc.) must be completed within 5 years of passing the Comprehensive Exam. Should a student not finish within that time period, he or she must appeal to the major department to retake the Comprehensive Exam. With permission by the major department, the student may retake the exam and then may complete remaining degree requirements, such as the dissertation.

Graduate Certificate

All requirements for a graduate certificate must be completed within 4 years. Time-to-certificate begins with the earliest coursework to be applied toward the certificate, including any credits transferred from other institutions. Work more than 4 years old is not accepted toward meeting certificate requirements.

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