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Major Declaration

Students may declare one or more majors as undergraduates. The process is the same whether a student is declaring a major for the first time, changing majors, or declaring an additional major or degree (for more information on multiple majors/degrees, see the Bachelor's Degree Requirements, Multiple Majors & Degrees policy).

To declare a major, students will follow the process outlined by the academic unit and consult with the academic advisor for their desired major. There may be restrictions on when in the term a major can be declared.

Students must declare a major in a degree program prior to junior standing (60 earned units). Incoming transfer students with a minimum of 60 transferable units have one term at the University before they must declare a major in a degree program.

Students’ selected major and college will determine their course requirements; students should review their updated academic advisement report after the major declaration process to confirm their new requirements.

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