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Credit for Prior Learning

Prior Learning is a term educators use to describe learning and experience that an individual often acquires outside of a traditional academic environment. This learning is typically not indicated on a college or university transcript and can be acquired through: non-credit bearing coursework, work experience, workshop participation, in-service training, or involvement in professional organizations. Credit may be awarded for verifiable learning gained through experience—not for the experience itself. Alternatively, students may opt to pursue credit by examination options. This policy pertains to Prior Learning that is not available from one of the credit-by-exam options.

If awarded, credit for prior learning will not be calculated in the student's GPA, will not count toward minimum requirements for letter-graded work, cannot duplicate any previously awarded credit, and cannot be used to satisfy University residency requirements.

If awarded, credit for prior learning will be distinguishable on a University of Arizona transcript as transfer credit with a grade of pass, as explained on the University of Arizona's grade policy.

Undergraduate Credit

The University of Arizona utilizes the credit recommendations from the American Council on Education (ACE). Prior Learning will be assessed using the following methods:

  • Workforce training documentation,

  • Portfolios, or 

  • Certification.

Undergraduate students must meet the following standards if they are interested in receiving credit for prior learning:  they must be admitted to the University, enrolled in a degree program, and need the credit to satisfy a degree requirement.  

Undergraduate students may receive up to 6 credits maximum, as determined by the appropriate department faculty. In addition, the prior learning credit must be deemed college level by the faculty evaluating the course, and must meet or exceed “C” level work.    

Approved undergraduate programs who have admission standards requiring prerequisite learning that can be complete outside of an accredited higher education institution and confirmed by government-approved licensure can issue up to 30 credits of prior learning. These credits will only be applicable when a student remains in that academic program and will not count toward the minimum required for other bachelor's degrees.

Further restrictions on Undergraduate prior learning credit:

  • It cannot be used to satisfy course pre-requisites or General Education requirements.

  • It will only count as lower division general elective credit.

  • In general, credit for prior learning completed over eight (8) years ago may not apply to a student's current degree program unless otherwise approved by the major department (as reflected in the Time Limits policy).

Undergraduate Procedure:

Students interested in receiving credit for prior learning must first consult with their major Academic Advisor for degree applicability. Prior learning materials (proof of verifiable learning) should be submitted to the Office of Transfer Credit & Articulation for evaluation of credit by the faculty in an appropriate department or college. Prior learning materials should detail the content learned (i.e. hours, subjects, texts, relevant documents, completed work, etc.).  The Office of Transfer Credit & Articulation will notify the student on the outcome of the evaluation process.

Academic programs who have admission standards requiring prerequisite learning that can be completed outside of an accredited higher education institution and confirmed by government-approved licensure will, upon recommendation of the department faculty, request approval through the Division of Undergraduate Education for the increased threshold of credit for prior learning.

Graduate Credit

Graduate certificate seeking students may receive 1 credit maximum toward a graduate certificate, as determined by the program Director of Graduate Studies. Master's degree seeking students may receive up to 3 credits maximum, as determined by the program Director of Graduate Studies. In addition, the prior learning credit must be deemed graduate level by the Director of Graduate Studies and must meet or exceed "B" level work. Moreover, units earned for prior learning credit are considered "coursework taken outside degree program." Credit earned for prior learning will count against the 12 total units of coursework taken outside of the degree program allowed to apply to the master's degree requirements. Certificate and Master's degree requirements can be reviewed here.

Further restrictions on Graduate prior learning credit:

  • It must be earned through a verifiable non-credit learning opportunity offered by a University of Arizona department, college, or affiliate.

  • It cannot be used to satisfy course or program pre-requisites or required, core coursework.

  • It will only count as elective credit.

  • In general, graduate credit for prior learning completed over four (4) years ago for graduate certificates and six (6) years ago for Master's degrees may not apply to a student's current degree program unless otherwise approved by the program Director of Graduate Studies (as reflected in the Graduate Time Limitation for Graduate Certificates and the Graduate Time Limitation for Master's Degrees policies).

Graduate Procedure:

Graduate students interested in receiving credit for prior learning must first consult with their faculty advisor or program Director of Graduate Studies for degree applicability. Prior learning materials (proof of verifiable learning) should be submitted to Graduate Student Academic Services via GradPath Transfer Credit Form for evaluation of credit by the Director of Graduate Studies in an appropriate department or college. Prior learning materials should detail the content learned (i.e. hours, subjects, texts, relevant documents, completed work, etc.).  Graduate Student Academic Services will notify the student on the outcome of the evaluation process.

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