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Formal Student Complaint Process

Formal Student Complaint Process

The University of Arizona is committed to creating a positive environment for all students. The institution has established policies and procedures to foster such an environment. Students may consult the General Catalog, the Dean of Students Office, and the University of Arizona Policies Website to learn about these University policies. Additionally, individual departments and offices have policies and procedures that pertain to the work they do with and for students, for example Office of the Registrar.      

Informal Complaint Process
Many issues can be resolved through open and honest communication between the involved parties. Any student who experiences a problem should first try to resolve the issue informally with the individual(s) or office(s) most directly connected with the issue at hand. 

Formal Complaint Process
If the problem is not resolved through the Informal Complaint Process, students should refer to the following policies to determine the appropriate steps for filing a formal complaint:   

Existing Policies:

If the problem is not addressed by one of the existing policies, students may submit a complaint through the Online Formal Student Complaint Form. Complaints will be categorized into three areas — Student Life, Academic Affairs, and Other Administrative Units. To submit a formal complaint, the issue must either interfere with the student learning experience or involve potential violation of University policy or stated operating procedures. The complaint must be submitted either through the online form or in writing, signed by the student, and received by an appropriate institutional officer. Examples of appropriate institutional officers include but are not limited to department heads, academic deans, Dean of Students Office, Senior Vice Provost for Academic Initiatives and Student Success, administrative staff in the offices of Curricular Affairs, Registrar, Bursar, Financial Aid, and Advising Resource Center. The complaint should be submitted to an officer at the first potential level of resolution. Complaints will be routed to the appropriate office based on the information provided in the written complaint.